Welcome to the Befunge-93 Reference Distribution ================================================ _Version 2.25 - Silver Jubilee Edition_ This is the reference distribution for the Befunge-93 programming language. It contains the specification and reference implementation (`bef`), which are direct descendants of the originals, along with a few related tools, many example programs, and an assortment of historical documents. About Befunge-93 ---------------- Befunge-93 is an esoteric programming language where the program exists in a two-dimensional grid of cells, where each cell contains a single instruction, and execution can proceed in any cardinal direction across this grid -- not just left-to-right, but also right-to-left, top-to-bottom, and bottom-to-top. For more information, see the Befunge-93 specification in the `doc` directory. Contents -------- * `README.markdown`: these post-modernist existential rants * [`LICENSE`](LICENSE): a bedtime story written to give your lawyer sweet dreams * [`doc/Befunge-93.markdown`](doc/Befunge-93.markdown): the specification for Befunge-93, such as it is * [`doc/bef.markdown`](doc/bef.markdown): docs for the interpreter, in the style of a man page * [`src/bef.c`](src/bef.c): Befunge-93 reference interpreter/debugger v2.25 source code * [`src/bef2c.c`](src/bef2c.c): Befunge-93 to ANSI C compiler v1.0 source code * [`src/befprof.c`](src/befprof.c): Befunge-93 profiler v1.0 source code * [`eg/`](eg/): Various and sundry contributed Befunge-93 programs (see [the README there](eg/README.markdown) for details) * [`historic/`](historic/): Historical early archive versions of (things called) Befunge (see [the README there](historic/README.md) for details) For More Information -------------------- See the official entry for [Befunge-93][] at [Cat's Eye Technologies][]. [Befunge-93]: http://catseye.tc/node/Befunge-93 [Cat's Eye Technologies]: http://catseye.tc/ Jubilant Befunging! Chris Pressey London, England December 12, 2018