The Deturgenchry Programming Language ===================================== _Deturgenchry_ is a simple object-oriented language with several distinguishing features. It is a work in progress, so exactly what those features are is still being hashed out, but they're something like: * Single-assignment: all objects are immutable. * The implicit `self` parameter is a continuation (or similar) representing the currently executing method; `self.object` is the current object. * There is also an `other` parameter which represents the method that called the current method. There is no explicit `return`; instead, `other` is re-activated. For more detailed information on the language (so far), and a set of Falderal tests, see `doc/Deturgenchry.markdown`. The reference implementation of Deturgenchry is written in Haskell, and requires the `Parsec` parser combinator library. The Deturgenchry project is covered under a BSD-style license; see the file `LICENSE` for more information.