Falderal Test: Standard output and standard error ------------------------------------------------- When we have a test that expects a successful result, the expected text is matched against standard output. -> Functionality "Succeed" is implemented by shell command -> "python3 fail.py %(test-body-text) bar 0" -> Tests for functionality "Succeed" | foo = foo If you wish to match the expected result against both standard output and standard error, it's up to you to redirect them. -> Functionality "Succeed/All" is implemented by shell command -> "python3 fail.py %(test-body-text) bar 0 2>&1" -> Tests for functionality "Succeed/All" | foo = foo = bar When we have a test that expects an error result, the expected text is matched against standard error. -> Functionality "Fail" is implemented by shell command -> "python3 fail.py foo %(test-body-text) 1" -> Tests for functionality "Fail" | bar ? bar If you wish to match the expected error against both standard output and standard error, it's up to you to redirect them. -> Functionality "Fail/All" is implemented by shell command -> "python3 fail.py foo %(test-body-text) 1 1>&2" -> Tests for functionality "Fail/All" | bar ? foo ? bar