Our fork of Ophis does not have the tags from michaelcmartin/Ophis. It should be @ v2.1 but is @ master until I figure out how to transfer the tags over. - - - - build_commands.... http://www.haskell.org/hugs/downloads/2006-09/hugs98-plus-Sep2006.tar.gz http://www.erlang.org/download/otp_src_R16B03-1.tar.gz build_command rm -rf lib/cos* && touch lib/asn1/SKIP lib/eldap/SKIP lib/gs/SKIP lib/hipe/SKIP lib/inets/SKIP lib/jinterface/SKIP lib/megaco/SKIP lib/orber/SKIP lib/odbc/SKIP lib/erlang && ./configure --prefix=`pwd` --disable-threads --disable-hipe --without-ssl && make exclude_paths bootstrap erts make plt release system xcomp cygwin http://code.call-cc.org/releases/4.8.0/chicken- build_command@NetBSD mkdir -p install && make PLATFORM=bsd PREFIX=`pwd`/install VARDIR=`pwd`/install install http://www.tortall.net/projects/yasm/releases/yasm-1.2.0.tar.gz */catseye/lexeduct test_requires node */catseye/dungeons-of-ekileugor build_command echo "DOES NOT BUILD (needs petcat)" */catseye/etcha build_command echo "DOES NOT BUILD" test_command echo "TESTS NOT RUN (DOES NOT EVEN BUILD)" */catseye/robin build_command echo "DOES NOT BUILD" test_command echo "TESTS NOT RUN (DOES NOT EVEN BUILD)" */catseye/whothm build_command echo "DOES NOT BUILD" */catseye/yoob build_command echo "DOES NOT BUILD" - - - - https://github.com/git/git/archive/v1.9.4.zip make NO_CURL=1 temporarily link /usr/bin/perl to `which perl` (sighhhh) no porcelain, but e.g. git-log is available github.com/git/git build_command NO_PERL=1 LIBRARY_PATH=$TOOLSHELF/.lib CPATH=`toolshelf pwd curl-7.35.0`/install/include make */*/qemu-1.* build_command PKG_CONFIG_PATH=`toolshelf pwd glib-2.39.4`/install/lib/pkgconfig ./configure --with-system-pixman --disable-sdl --prefix=`pwd`/install && make && make install */*/glib-2.* build_command LIBFFI_CFLAGS=-I`toolshelf pwd libffi-3.0.13`/install/lib/libffi-3.0.13/include LIBFFI_LIBS="-L/home/user/toolshelf/.lib -lffi" ./configure --prefix=`pwd`/install && make && make install