GraNoLa/M ========= This is the reference distribution for the esoteric programming language _GraNoLa/M_. GraNoLa/M is a programming language in which the directed graph is the only data type. See the file `GraNoLa-M.markdown` in the `doc` directory for a more complete description of the GraNoLa/M language. This distribution also contains an interpreter for GraNoLa/M written in Erlang, as `granolam.erl` in the `src` directory. You need an Erlang compiler at least at language version 4.4 to compile `granolam.erl`. This program was developed with OTP/R8B, so that is the recommended platform for using it, although more recent versions should work as well. (It has recently been tested with R17.) To build the `granolam` module, run the script ``. After the module is built, run the script `granolam_shell` in the `bin` directory to start a GraNoLa/M shell. Or you can run `bin/granolam run` _filename_ to run a GraNoLa/M program written in a text file on the filesystem. This uses `escript`, so you don't have to build the module first. But you need `realpath`. To run the built-in test cases, start an Erlang shell and run granolam:test(N). where _N_ is an integer from 1 to 7.