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The ALPACA Cellular Automaton Definition Language

This document describes version 1.1 of ALPACA, a language for defining cellular automata.

The language described herein is mostly compatible with the legacy version (0.9x) of the language as it has existed for many years (since 1998), with only some additions and only a small number of backwards- incompatible changes, and it is entirely backwards-compatible with version 1.0 (released 2013).

The reference implementation of ALPACA version 1.1 that accompanies this specification is included in the ALPACA reference distribution.

In the remainder of this document, ALPACA refers to ALPACA version 1.1.


The following abbreviations are used in this document (particularly in the grammar production rules) and the reference implementation.


The encoding of the text of an ALPACA description is not defined; any encoding may be used. However, for interchange purposes, ALPACA descriptions are typically encoded in UTF-8 and contained in text files.


-> Tests for functionality "Parse ALPACA Description"

An ALPACA description consists of a list of one or more definitions, optionally followed by an initial configuration.

Each definition may specify either a state, a class, or a neighbourhood. The definitions in the list are separated with semicolons, and the list ends with either a period (if no initial configuration is given) or the token begin (which introduces the initial configuration.)

Each definition associates a defined object with a name. A name is an alphabetic character followed by zero or more alphanumeric characters with no other intervening characters. A name may not be any of the 16 reserved keywords defined by ALPACA, which are:

and          neighbourhood
begin        not
class        or
false        state
guess        to
in           true
is           when
me           xor

Example: a trivial ALPACA description with two states and no initial configuration:

| state Space;
| state Thing.
= ok


A state definition gives the name of the state, an optional representation declaration associated with the state, a list of zero or more class memberships, and a comma-separated list of zero or more transition rules for the state.

Representation Declaration

A representation declaration consists of a single non-combining Unicode character enclosed in double quotes.

A representation declaration is not required for any given state. However, if an initial configuration is included in the ALPACA description, the characters in it will be mapped to states by using the representation declaration of each state. Therefore, if a state has no representation declaration, no cell in that state can be present in the initial configuration.

No two states may have the same representation declaration.

Informational: an implementation may use the representation declaration of a state to display (or otherwise communicate) that state to the user. This is certainly a reasonable choice, and one expects many implementations will at least offer that as an option. However, representation of states is ultimately implementation-defined. Even if representation declarations are included for every state in the ALPACA description, there is nothing to prevent an implementation from overriding them with some other representation. See also the section on ALPACA Stylesheets, below.

Example: a trivial ALPACA description with single character representation declarations:

| state Space " ";
| state Thing "*".
= ok

Aside: Initial Configuration

-> Tests for functionality "Evolve ALPACA CA one generation"

We describe the initial configuration now, as it will be useful for demonstrating the meanings of things in the core ALPACA description in the examples to follow.

The list of definitions may end either with a period or the token begin. If it is the token begin, the remainder of the file is assumed to contain an initial configuration for the cellular automton now defined.

begin should be followed by a newline. Each subsequent line of text contains characters which map to cells of the playfield in the initial configuration.


| state Space " ";
| state Thing "*"
| begin
|  *
| ***
|  *
= -----
=  * 
= ***
=  * 
= -----

Class Memberships

In a state definition, any number of classes may be named after the representation declaration, with the name of each class preceded by is. More information on this will be given in the "Classes" section below.

Transition Rules

-> Tests for functionality "Parse ALPACA Description"

Each transition rule begins with to, gives a state referent which specifes the state to which to transition, optionally followed by when and a boolean expression describing the conditions under which the transition occurs.

Example: a simple ALPACA description where the states have trivial transition rules. The result is an automaton where all cells toggle their state from Space to Thing on every tick.

| state Space
|   to Thing when true;
| state Thing
|   to Space when true.
= ok

If when is omitted, when true is assumed, so the above example could also be written:

| state Space to Thing; state Thing to Space.
= ok

During evolution of the cellular automaton, transition rules are evaluated in source-code order; as soon as one transition rule is found to apply, the remaining transition rules are ignored.

If no transition rule is found to apply for a state, the default transition will apply, which is no transition at all, i.e., remain in the same state.

State Referents
-> Tests for functionality "Evolve ALPACA CA one generation"

A state referent may be:

Example: a somewhat less simple ALPACA description. Here the (non-empty) states have transition rules that cause each cell to take on the state of one of its neighbours; Up cells take on the state of the cell to the "north" (immediately above it) while Down cells take on the state of the cell to the "south" (immediately below it.) The effect in this example is for the cells to "swap places":

| state Space " ";
| state Up "U"
|   to ^ when true;
| state Down "D"
|   to v when true
| begin
= -----
= -----

An arrow is either ^ (referring to one cell "north" or "above" the current cell,) v (one cell "south" or "below",) < (one cell "west" or "to the left",) or > (one cell "east" or "to the right".) An arrow sequence is a single token; it may not include whitespace. The arrow chain may be redundant; for example, >>v<<^ is simply an alias for me. However, an implementation is encouraged to produce warnings when encountering a redundant arrow-chain.

Example: an ALPACA description of a cellular automaton where Thing elements grow "streaks" to the northwest (diagonally up and to the left.)

| state Space " "
|   to Thing when v> Thing;
| state Thing "*"
| begin
| *
| *
= -----
= * 
= **
=  *
= -----
Boolean Expressions

The boolean expression may be:

Please refer to the grammar for the associativeness and precedence of the boolean operators.

A state predicate is an expression consisting of a state referent and another state referent. It evaluates to true if the two state referents refer to the same state.

Example: a cellular automaton where Things become Spaces only if the cell to the east is a Thing:

| state Space " ";
| state Thing "*"
|   to Space when > Thing
| begin
| *
| **
= -----
= * 
=  *
= -----

For more clarity, an equals sign may occur between the two state referents.

Example: a cellular automaton where Things become Spaces only if the cell to the north and the cell to the south are the same state:

| state Space " ";
| state Thing "*"
|   to Space when ^ = v
| begin
| *
| **
= -----
= *
= *
= -----

A class-inclusion predicate is similar to a state predicate, but instead of a state referent, the second term is a class referent. An example will be given under "Classes", below.

State predicates and class-inclusion predicates are collectively known as relational predicates.

An adjacency predicate is an expression consisting of an integer greater than or equal to 1, followed by an optional neighbourhood specifier, followed by a state or class referent. It evaluates to true only if the cell has at least that many neighbours of that state or class, in that neighbourhood. If no neighbourhood is given, a Moore neighbourhood is assumed. Neighbourhoods are explained in more depth in the "Neighbourhoods" section.

Example: a cellular automaton where Things become Spaces only if they are not adjacent to three other Things.

| state Space " ";
| state Thing "*"
|   to Space when not 3 Thing
| begin
| *
| **
| *
= -----
= **
= -----

Example: boolean operators.

| state Space " ";
| state Thing "*";
| state Charge "X";
| state One "1"
|   to Thing when ^ Charge and > Charge;
| state Two "2"
|   to Thing when ^ Charge or > Charge;
| state Three "3"
|   to Thing when ^ Charge xor > Charge
| begin
| X  X
| 1X 1 1X 1
| X  X
| 2X 2 2X 2
| X  X
| 3X 3 3X 3
= -----
= X  X     
= *X 1 1X 1
= X  X     
= *X * *X 2
= X  X     
= 3X * *X 3
= -----


A class declaration defines the general behaviour of a number of states. Classes can have their own rules, and these are shared by all states which are members of the class.

Example: a cellular automaton with three states, two of which are members of the same class. Cat and Dog will behave differently when there is a state of the other type to the north, but they will both turn into Space when there is a Space to the east.

| state Space " ";
| class Animal
|   to Space when > Space;
| state Dog "d" is Animal
|   to Cat when ^ Cat;
| state Cat "c" is Animal
|   to Dog when ^ Dog
| begin
| ccd
| dcc
= -----
= cc 
= ccd
= -----

Each state can belong to zero or more classes. When it belongs to more than one class, the transition rules for each class are applied in the order the classes are listed in the state definition. In addition, the transition rules for the state itself are always applied first, before any class rules are considered.

Example: a cellular automaton with three states and two classes, where all states are members of both classes, but they inherit in different orders. In it, Ones and always become Fours, Twos always become Fives, and Threes always remain Threes.

| state Space " ";
| class AlphaType
|   to Four when true;
| class BetaType
|   to Five when true;
| state One "1" is AlphaType is BetaType;
| state Two "2" is BetaType is AlphaType;
| state Three "3" is BetaType is AlphaType
|   to Three when true;
| state Four "4";
| state Five "5"
| begin
| 123
= -----
= 453
= -----

Example: deep inheritance.

| state Space " ";
| state Thing "*";
| class Animal
|   to Thing when > Thing;
| class Mammal is Animal
|   to Thing when ^ Thing;
| state Cat "c" is Mammal
|   to Thing when v Thing
| begin
|    *
| c  c  c*  c
| *
= -----
=    *       
= *  *  **  c
= *          
= -----

Example: overriding deep inheritance at a class level.

| state Space " ";
| state Thing "*";
| class Animal
|   to Thing when > Thing;
| class Mammal is Animal
|   to Space when > Thing;
| state Cat "c" is Mammal
|   to Thing when v Thing
| begin
|    *
| c  c  c*
| *
= -----
=    *    
= *  c   *
= *       
= -----

It is not an error for classes to belong to themselves, either directly or transitively. A class belonging to itself should not lead to infinite regress - each class it belongs to should only be checked once. (Thanks to OrangeNote for this test case.)

| class A is B to X when false;
| class B is A to X when false;
| state Blank " ";
| state X "*" is A
| begin
| *
= -----
= *
= -----


In a transition rule, a class-inclusion predicate may be used by giving a state referent, the token is, and the name of a class. This expression evaluates to true if the state so referred to is a member of that class.

Example: a cellular automaton where Dogs and Cats (both Animals) switch to the other when the cell to the north is not an Animal and turn to Space when the cell to the east is an Animal.

| state Space " ";
| class Animal
|   to Space when > is Animal;
| state Dog "d" is Animal
|   to Cat when not ^ is Animal;
| state Cat "c" is Animal
|   to Dog when not ^ is Animal
| begin
| dcdc
| dcdc 
= -----
= cdcd
=    c
= -----

Class-inclusion predicates can also be used as part of adjacency predicates.

| state Space " ";
| class Mineral;
| state Granite "*" is Mineral;
| state Iron "#" is Mineral;
| state Wood "&"
|   to Space when not 3 is Mineral
| begin
| #  * 
| #&&&*
| *   #
= -----
= #  * 
= #& &*
= *   #
= -----

Class membership is transitive.

| state Space " ";
| class Animal;
| class Mammal is Animal;
| state Dog "d" is Mammal;
| state Wood "&"
|   to Space when not 3 is Animal;
| state Food "."
|   to Space when ^ is Animal
| begin
| d .
| d&&
| .dd
= -----
= d .
= d& 
=  dd
= -----

It is possible for a class to be empty, i.e. for no states to belong to the class. In this case, the class inclusion predicate will always evaluate to false. (Thanks to OrangeNote for this test case.)

| class A is B;
| class B;
| class C;
| state Blank " ";
| state X "*" is A
|   to Blank when me is C
| begin
| *
= -----
= *
= -----

Informative: diamond inheritance seems to not be a problem in practice, as classes do not define or contain any state information which is not in the state itself, which is what makes diamond inheritance problematic in most languages with multiple inheritance.


-> Tests for functionality "Parse ALPACA Description"

A neighbourhood is a set of positions relative to a cell. A neighbourhood is specified in ALPACA with a sequence of arrow chains inside parentheses. A neighbourhood definition associates a neighbourhood with a name, so that whereever a neighbourhood can be specified, the name can be used instead.

A neighbourhood can be specified in an adjacency predicate. If none is specified in an adjacency predicate, the Moore neighbourhood (as defined in the below example) is used.


| neighbourhood Moore
|   (< > ^ v ^> ^< v> v<);
| neighbourhood VonNeumann
|   (^ v < >);
| state Space
|   to Thing when 1 in Moore Thing;
| state Thing
|   to Space when 3 in (^ v < >) Space.
= ok

-> Tests for functionality "Evolve ALPACA CA one generation"

Note that, unlike versions of ALPACA before 1.0, ALPACA 1.x allows essentially arbitrary neighbourhoods -- they may extend beyond the Moore neighbourhood. Implementations must take care to check for all possible transitions inside the defined neighbourhood, even when it extends into the "empty space" surrounding the defined configuration.

| neighbourhood Distant
|   (<<< >>> ^^^ vvv);
| state Space " "
|   to Thing when 1 in Distant Thing;
| state Thing "#"
| begin
| #
= -----
=    #   
= #  #  #
=    #   
= -----

Some More Realistic Examples

This section is not normative.

Example: a glider, pointed northeast, in John Conway's Game of Life automaton:

| state Dead  " "
|   to Alive when 3 Alive and 5 Dead;
| state Alive "*"
|   to Dead when 4 Alive or 7 Dead
| begin
|  **
| * *
|   *
= -----
= ** 
=  **
= *  
= -----


Whitespace is ignored between tokens, and comments extend from /* to */ and do not nest.

Alpaca          ::= Defns ("." | "begin" initial-configuration).
Defns           ::= Defn {";" Defn}.
Defn            ::= StateDefn
                  | ClassDefn
                  | NbhdDefn.
StateDefn       ::= "state" StateID [quoted-char]
ClassDefn       ::= "class" ClassID
NbhdDefn        ::= "neighbourhood" NbhdID

ClassID         ::= identifier.
StateID         ::= identifier.
NbhdID          ::= identifier.

MembershipDecl  ::= ClassRef.
ClassRef        ::= "is" ClassID.

Rules           ::= Rule {"," Rule}.
Rule            ::= "to" StateRef ["when" Expression].

StateRef        ::= StateID
                  | arrow-chain
                  | "me".

Expression      ::= Term {("and" | "or" | "xor") Term}.
Term            ::= AdjacencyPred
                  | "(" Expression ")"
                  | "not" Term
                  | BoolPrimitive
                  | RelationalPred.
RelationalPred  ::= StateRef (["="] StateRef | ClassRef).
AdjacencyPred   ::= natural-number ["in" (Neigbourhood | NbhdID)]
                    (StateRef | ClassRef).
BoolPrimitive   ::= "true" | "false" | "guess".

Neighbourhood   ::= "(" {arrow-chain} ")".

The following are token definitions, not productions.

quoted-char     ::= quote printable-non-quote quote.
identifier      ::= alpha {alpha | digit}.
natural-number  ::= digit {digit}.
quote           ::= ["].
alpha           ::= [a-zA-Z].
digit           ::= [0-9].
arrow-chain     ::= arrow {arrow}.
arrow           ::= [^v<>].
initial-config  ::= <<the remainder of the file>>.


Assuming a cellular automaton form is supplied, either in the ALPACA description, or from an external source, that form is used as the initial configuration of the playfield.

All cells which are not defined in this initial configuration are assigned states in an implementation-dependent manner which we will call empty.

An implementation should at a minimum support populating the undefined area of the playfield uniformly with the first state defined in the ALPACA description. An informal survey of extant ALPACA descriptions suggested that the first defined state is the one that is most commonly assumed to permeate "everywhere else" in the playfield and represent emptiness.

Of course, an implementation may support, beyond this bare minimum, populating the space outside the given configuration with any pattern it sees fit. ALPACA does not (yet) support specifying this pattern, so emptiness is entirely implementation-dependent.

Each time quantum (which we'll call a tick), all cells in the playfield are considered, and an empty "new playfield" is established. The state of each cell is examined. Each transition rule for the state is considered in source code order. If any transition rule is true for that cell, the resulting state is written into that cell in the new playfield. After all cells in the current playfield have been considered, the current playfield is replaced with the new playfield, and the next tick happens.


An ALPACA description consisting only of classes and/or neighbourhoods is valid, but somewhat meaningless by itself. It might be used as a "module" by some other description, however, this spec does not define a standard way in which that could happen.

arrow-chain and identifier tokens overlap; tokens beginning with a series of vs (lower-case letter "vee"s) will be interpreted as an arrow-chain. Thus, the text vonNeumann will be scanned as the arrow-chain v followed by the identifier onNeumann. This may be addressed in a future version of ALPACA. Until such time, avoid giving states, classes, and neighbourhoods names which begin with a lowercase v. (Convention says to start these identifiers with uppercase letters anyhow.)

Differences between ALPACA 1.0 and Previous Versions

Previous versions of ALPACA did not support arbitrary strings of arrows for state designators; instead, only arrow-chains in the set {^, v, <, >, ^<, ^>, v<, v>} were permitted. In addition, previous versions supported eight compass direction abbreviations (n, ne, etc) in place of arrow chains. This is no longer supported.

Previous versions of ALPACA always assumed a Moore neighbourhood when making an adjacency predicate. Other neighbourhoods could not be defined, and needed to be constructed in a tedious piecemeal fashion (see the Jaccia and Jacciata descriptions for an example of this for the von Neumann neighbourhood.)

Previous versions of ALPACA did not support giving an initial configuration for the cellular automaton.

Differences between ALPACA 1.1 and 1.0

ALPACA Stylesheets 1.0

Informational: Early efforts at defining ALPACA 1.0 wished to include a more sophisticated mechanism for describing appearance of states, but this effort was abandoned under the argument of "separation of content and presentation". ALPACA Stylesheets 1.0 is a rekindled attempt to define this mechanism.

An ALPACA stylesheet is a way of specifying how the playfields of an ALPACA cellular automaton should be represented. A single cellular automation may have multiple stylesheets that can be applied to it, and indeed a single stylesheet may apply to multiple cellular automata.

Because there is currently no way to embed an ALPACA stylesheet in an ALPACA description, an ALPACA stylesheet, if any, must be supplied as a seperate input to whatever ALPACA-processing tools that may support it.

An ALPACA stylesheet is based on a subset of the stylesheets supported by SVG 1.1. In particular,


.Dead {
    fill: #ffffff;
.Alive {
    fill: #000000;

This will style John Conway's Life with Dead cells appearing as solid white rectangles and Alive cells appearing as solid black rectangles.

Informational: It is expected that a future version of ALPACA Stylesheets will define a property called glyph that will correspond to the character used in the Representation Declaration of an ALPACA state (see above) with the understanding that it will be used primarily for display, while the Representation Declaration will be used primarily for interpreting a cellular automaton's configuration from a textual source, e.g. the initial playfield.