These are file formats that Cat's Eye Technologies has defined, and implemented processing tools for. "File formats" are generally simpler than languages.
- subtitle: Literate Testing for Languages
- inception-date: 2011
- reference distribution: Falderal distribution
Falderal is a file format for literate test suites. It is particularly suited for documenting programming languages (or other specifications of ways to transform text) and testing their implementation(s) in a language-agnostic fashion. The dumbed-down sound-bite version: "doctests for DSLs". It can be embedded in both Markdown and Literate Haskell.
Reference Implementation: py-falderal
- license: BSD license
- host-language: Python
Implementation: Test.Falderal
- license: BSD license
- host-language: Haskell
- inception-date: 2017
- reference distribution: Feedmark distribution
Feedmark is a file format for embedding curational information in Markdown.
Reference Implementation: feedmark (Python)
- license: MIT license
- host-language: Python
- inception-date: 2025
- reference distribution: Turmac distribution
Turmac is a CSV-based file format for Turing machine descriptions.
Reference Implementation: turmac
- license: Public Domain
- host-language: Haskell