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Commentary by Chris Pressey

This work is distributed under a CC-BY-ND-4.0 license, with the following explicit exception: the ratings may be freely used for any purpose with no limitations.

Apple II

The Applesoft Tutorial

Memories of sitting in the back seat of the car in the midst of a road trip - through the United States, I believe - and trying to puzzle out what they were trying to get at by saying you could make a "subroutine" to draw a horse (with a pink face and orange legs), so that you could have as many horses as you want, where-ever you want them.

Apple II: The DOS Manual: Disk Operating System


Disk Operating System Instructional and Reference Manual: DOS Version 3.2


Science Computer Programs


Stimulating simulations for the Apple


Apple II History Chap 1


Apple Computer, Inc. | Brutal Deluxe Software

Cassette tapes sold by Apple Computer, Inc.

NuLib Home Page


fadden/fdraw: Fast Apple II hi-res graphics


zajo/appler: Apple ][ emulator for MS-DOS, written in 8088 assembly


bocchino/AppleCore: A core language for the Apple II


dschmenk/PLASMA: Proto Language AsSeMbler for All (formerly Apple)
