Commentary by cpressey on Game Development works
Game Engine Architecure (1st Edition)
Lots of interesting things about Game Engine Architecture.
Game Engine Architecure (2nd Edition)
The same interesting things about Game Engine Architecture, but updated.
Game Programming Patterns
I found the writing style somewhat flippant but there are some good program-design observations in it.
unity - how best to structure/manage hundreds of \'in-game\' characters? - Game Development Stack Exchange
Why code reflection became a must in game engines? - Game Development Stack Exchange
How was a demo mode implemented in arcade machines - Retrocomputing Stack Exchange
terminology - What exactly is a softlock? - Arqade
exceptions - When to carry on with a buggy game state versus terminate the process? - Game Development Stack Exchange
javascript - Immutable.js: Data structure to represent 2D game field - Stack Overflow
unity - What is the standard practice for animating motion -- move character or not move character? - Game Development Stack Exchange
deWiTTERS Game Loop -- Koonsolo Games
physics - Fixed timestep game loop, why interpolation - Game Development Stack Exchange
Fix Your Timestep! \| Gaffer On Games
Integration Basics \| Gaffer On Games
Jamagic: A good idea that faded away - Kartones Blog
3DEL: All engines
Unity - Manual: Order of execution for event functions
XPMCK - Cross Platform Music Compiler Kit
s-macke/VoxelSpace: Terrain rendering algorithm in less than 20 lines of code