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Notes -- notes -- notes

Albion = England

kachina = native american mythical being

hay = dried grass, straw = dried grain

The guilds system works on a prerequisite DAG like the technologies
system in a certain civilization simulation game.

Adventurer: no prerequisites
Fighter:    Adventurer, STR
Thief:      Adventurer, DEX
Ranger:     Adventurer, CON
Mage:       Adventurer, INT
Cleric:     Adventurer, SPI
Bard:       Adventurer, CHA
Assassin:   Fighter, Thief, STR DEX
Cavalier:   Fighter, Ranger, STR CON
Samurai:    Fighter, Mage, STR INT
Paladin:    Fighter, Cleric, STR SPI
Gladiator:  Fighter, Bard, STR CHA
Nomad:      Thief, Ranger, DEX CON   bandit?  highwayman?
Ninja:      Thief, Mage, DEX INT
Monk:       Thief, Cleric, DEX SPI
Acrobat:    Thief, Bard, DEX CHA
Sorcerer:   Ranger, Mage, CON INT
Druid:      Ranger, Cleric, CON SPI
Troubador:  Ranger, Bard, CON CHA
Alchemist:  Mage, Cleric, INT SPI
Illusionist:Mage, Bard, INT CHA
Missionary: Cleric, Bard, SPI CHA

There may in fact be further guilds with miscellaneous prerequisites,
but they are generally intended for (although not limited to) NPC's:

Smith: (repair metal, improve metal, identify metal) STR
Carver: (repair wood, improve wood, identify wood) DEX
Farmer: (plant food, harvest food, identify food) CON
Scribe: (comprehend/write/copy spells/prayers/music) SPI
Sage: (create potion/salve, identify magic/artefact, lore) INT
Merchant: (haggle, identify object, appraise gem) CHA

Vague Plan for Guilds Prerequisite Codes:

A14: Adventurer, Levels 1 to 4
M14?A4: Mage, Levels 1 to 4 (You must be a level 4 Adventurer to train)
m14?C8B8: Missionary, Levels 1 to 4 (You must be
          a level 8 Cleric AND a level 8 Bard to train)

Proposed Adventurer (general) Talents

bash down doors (3)
detect concealed traps/doors (6)
bladed weapon proficiency (9)
pointed weapon proficiency (9)
blunt weapon proficiency (9)

Proposed Thief Talents (guild level, prerequisites)

hide in shadows (1)
pick pockets (1)
climb walls (2)
stealth (2)
bladed weapon proficiency (2)
detect concealed traps/doors (3)
surprise (4, hide in shadows)
pick locks (4)
stab in back (5, surprise)
disarm trap (5, detect traps, pick locks)

Proposed Smith Talents

identify metal (1)
repair metal (2, identify metal)
improve metal (4, repair metal)
identify weapon (5, identify metal)
identify armour (5, identify metal)

Proposed Alchemist Talents

identify material (1)
create salve (3)
create potion (4)
enchant item (5)

Proposed Ranger Talents

hunting and fishing (1)
* identify food (1)
pointed weapon proficiency (2)
trapping (remove pelt) (2)
preserve food (3, identify food)
repair wood (4)
improve wood (5)

Proposed Clerical Prayers

* minor heal (1)
bless (1)
speak in tongues (1)
detect magic (1)
cause poison (2)     (in person or in item like food)
cure poison (2)
turn undead (2)
blunt weapon proficiency (3)
cause disease (3)
cure disease (3)
* major heal (3)
cause deafness (4)
cure deafness (4)
strike dumb (4)
cure dumbness (4)
* cause blindness (5)
* cure blindness (5)
animate undead (6)
restore (7)
raise (8)
command undead (9)
ressurect (10)

Proposed Mage Spells

summon familiar (1)
sleep (1)
exploding projectile (1)
icy touch (1)
shocking stare (1)
charm (2)
detect magic (2)
partial invisibility (3)
cone of silence (3)
fireball (4)
cylinder of cold (5)
chain lightning (6)
full invisibility (7)
deflect magic (8)
dispel magic (10)
absorb magic (12)
reflect magic (14)

Proposed Druid Talents

pass through wood (1)
pixie pyrotechnics (1)
charm plant (2)
stoneskin (3)
* lightning bolt (4)
animate plant (4)
animate stone (5)
call lightning (6)

Proposed Monk Talents

copy scroll (1)
chant (1)
unarmed combat (1)
climb walls (2)
* minor heal (3)
throw opponent (4)
disarm opponent (5)
nerve pinch (6)
silent blow (7)
silent death blow (13)

Proposed Ninja Talents

bladed weapon proficiency (1)
hide in shadows (1)
stealth (1)
surprise (1)
partial invisibility (2)
stab in back (5)
cone of silence (6)
sleep (7)
full invisibility (8)
charm (9)

Proposed Assassin Talents

bladed weapon proficiency (1)
pointed weapon proficiency (1)
identify poison (1)
stealth (1)
hide in shadows (2)
surprise (2)
poison blade or tip (3)
stab in back (3)
critical head shot (6)

Proposed Fighter Talents

bladed weapon proficiency (1)
blunt weapon proficiency (1)
pointed weapon proficiency (1)
bash down doors (1)
thrust (2)
parry (3)
sweep (4)
battle heart (5)
disarm opponent (8)
throw opponent (10)

Proposed Necromancer Spells

animate dead (1)
command undead (1)
protection from undead (1)
summon spirit (2)
command spirit (2)
protection from spirits (2)
whirlwind of bones (3)
summon ghoul (4)
command ghoul (4)
* skulls of insanity (5)
summon wraith (5)
command wraith (5)
spectral maelstrom (6)
protection from demons (7)
summon demon (10)