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Copyright (c) 2012-2024, Chris Pressey, Cat's Eye Technologies.
This file is distributed under a 2-clause BSD license.  See LICENSES/ dir.
SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-BSD-2-Clause-X-Robin

### `number?` ###

    -> Tests for functionality "Evaluate Robin Expression (with literal)"

`number?` evaluates its argument, then evaluates to `#t` if it is a
number, `#f` otherwise.

    | (number? 7)
    = #t

    | (number? 0)
    = #t

    | (number? ())
    = #f

    | (number? #t)
    = #f

    | (number? (literal seven))
    = #f

That's a good question...

    | (number? (literal 7))
    = #t

The argument to `number?` may (naturally) be any type, but there must be
exactly one argument.

    | (number? 6 4)
    ? abort (illegal-arguments (6 4))

    | (number?)
    ? abort (illegal-arguments ())


(require number?)