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Programming Languages

(Up) | See also: BASIC, Dafny, Forth, Haskell, JavaScript, Lisp, Lua, Pascal, Prolog, Python, PLDI, Scheme, Shell Scripting

Web resources

What is ML/I?

merd's home page

GP (Graph Programs) - The Programming Languages and Systems Research Group

The ABC Programming Language: a short introduction

programming languages - How does Tarjan\'s pseudocode work (explained to someone familiar with C or Java)? - Computer Science Stack Exchange

BASICO programming language


Perl Source -

Action! Programming Language Version 3.6 - Source Code : Optimized Systems Software : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive

Pure Programming Language



K \| Runtime Verification Inc

GF - Grammatical Framework

Grammatical Framework (programming language) - Wikipedia


ympbyc/Carrot: Purely functional lisp featuring: default currying, left-associative s-expression, lazy evaluation, static type system, and statically determined multimethods. ★★★

c3d/xl: A minimalist, general-purpose programming language based on meta-programming and parse tree rewrites

naver/tamgu: Tamgu (탐구), a FIL programming language: Functional, Imperative, Logical all in one for annotation and data augmentation

chrisdone/z: A strict, impure, curried, partially applied programming language with rather peculiar syntax.

egison/egison: The Egison Programming Language

samrushing/irken-compiler: Irken is a statically typed variant of Scheme. Or a lisp-like variant of ML.

Mesabloo/amethyst: A simple concatenative programming language

manuel/wat-js: Concurrency and Metaprogramming for JS ★★

dcurrie/wren: Language with a bytecode compiler that can run on computers with only a few kB of RAM. ★★

alehander92/Airtight: a python-like language with hindley-milner-like type system, which is compiled to c

clemahieu/mu: Mu is a modern, modular, system programming language and scripting toolchain

xixixao/Shem: The compiler of the programming language Shem

ncihnegn/miranda: Miranda is a pure, non-strict, polymorphic, higher order functional programming language designed by David Turner in 1983-6.

UnrealVerseGuru/VerseProgrammingLanguage: Verse Programming Language - Functional logic language developed by Epic Games - all informations, official resources and snippets

pro465/rhokell: rho calculus + haskell thrown into the mixer

Danskydan/Hilltop: Hilltop is a text-based, general-purpose programming language and model that borrows concepts from spreadsheet programming.

(in Apple II) bocchino/AppleCore: A core language for the Apple II

(in Apple II) dschmenk/PLASMA: Proto Language AsSeMbler for All (formerly Apple)

(in Compiler Construction) radian-software/kalyn: self-hosting compiler from a Haskell-like Lisp directly to x86-64, from scratch.

(in Coq) codyroux/tinymatch: A teeny language with nats, lists and pattern matching, static and dynamic semantics and a proof of progress and preservation.

(in Genetic Programming) Vaguery/Duck-language: A simple language for genetic programming

(in PLDI) ibrahimsag/rw: an experiment in presenting code. ★★★

(in PLDI) ebuswell/noneleatic: Noneleatic (Mutable State) Languages


Synchronous Functional Programming: The Lucid Synchrone Experiment (online @

(in Name Binding) A Metalanguage for Programming with Bound Names Modulo Renaming


PostScript Language Tutorial and Cookbook (borrow @ ★

Systems Programming with Modula-3 (borrow @ 💭

Object-Oriented Programming in Eiffel (borrow @ ★ 💭