This is a list of games designed and implemented by Cat's Eye Technologies, listed in alphabetical order. For more information on these games, see below.
For games implemented by, but not designed by, Cat's Eye Technologies, see Game Implementations.
The distinction between a Game and a Gewgaw or even an Automaton is not always cut-and-dried, so if you can't find what you're looking for here, try those lists as well.
Bubble Escape

- genre: Maze-Runner
- inception-date: ca 1988
- reference distribution: Bubble Escape distribution
- online @
Bubble Escape is a video game written for the Commodore 64 where the player must guide a bubble through a multi-screen maze. It was originally designed and implemented in Commodore BASIC 2.0 in the mid-80's, and rewritten in Ophis Assembler in the late 00's. The assembly version was pared down so that (crunched) it fit into 2K, christened "Bubble Escape 2K", and submitted to the Mini Game Compo 2009 where it won first place in its class.
It's archived on the Internet Archive, where you can play it in your browser. Just follow the "online" link shown above.
You can also download the D64 disk image file
bubble escape.d64
and run it in VICE's x64
or some other Commodore 64 emulator.
If this game doesn't seem too impressive to you, try to remember, it's only two kilobytes of code! These days you can't even sneeze in less than a megabyte.
Implementation: Bubble Escape (BASIC)
- reference: true
- license: BSD license
- host-language: Commodore BASIC 2.0
- host-platform: Commodore 64
- controls: joystick
Implementation: Bubble Escape 2K
- prebuilt-for-platforms: Commodore 64
- license: BSD license
- host-language: Ophis Assembler
- host-platform: Commodore 64
- build-requirements: CRUNCHER AB+
- controls: joystick
- submitted-to: Mini Game Compo 2009; 1st place in 2K category
- online @
- download @
Implementation: Bubble Escape 8K
- prebuilt-for-platforms: Commodore 64
- license: BSD license
- host-language: Ophis Assembler
- host-platform: Commodore 64
- controls: joystick
Corona: Realm of Magic

- genre: Roguelike
- inception-date: ca Sep 2000
- reference distribution: Corona: Realm of Magic distribution
- development-stage: archival
Corona: Realm of Magic is an unfinished roguelike written in Perl. It was written on top of a framework that Cat's Eye Technologies was developing at the time called CARPE DIEM (Computer-Assisted Role-Playing Engine for Diverse Interactive Entertainment Modules.)
Implementation: Corona: Realm of Magic (Perl)
- reference: true
- license: BSD license
- host-language: Perl 5.8
- interface: ANSI Terminal
Cosmos Boulders

- genre: Shoot-em-Up
- inception-date: 2019
- reference distribution: Cosmos Boulders distribution
- online @
Cosmos Boulders is an arcade-style HTML5 minigame built with reducers and immutable data in ES5 JavaScript.
Implementation: cosmos-boulders.js
- license: Freely Redistributable
- host-language: JavaScript
- host-platform: HTML5
- controls: keyboard
Dungeons of Ekileugor

- genre: Roguelike
- inception-date: Aug 2012
- reference distribution: Dungeons of Ekileugor distribution
- online @
Dungeons of Ekileugor is a roguelike written for the Commodore VIC-20, which, despite the limitations of that platform, supports a respectable set of the usual "dungeon furniture": reasonably generated dungeon levels with tunnels and rooms whose contents are hidden until you enter, monsters, treasure, potions, traps, chests, combat with experience points, etc.
Implementation: Dungeons of Ekileugor (BASIC)
- reference: true
- license: Freely Redistributable
- host-language: Commodore BASIC 2.0
- host-platform: Commodore VIC-20
- controls: keyboard
Super Wumpus Land

- genre: Logic
- inception-date: ca 1999
- reference distribution: Super Wumpus Land distribution
- online @
Super Wumpus Land is an "extended dance mix" version of Gregory Yob's Hunt the Wumpus. It's playable in your web browser in a simulation of an old-school green-screen video terminal.
- reference: true
- license: BSD license
- host-language: Perl 5.8
- interface: terminal
Implementation: swl.js
- license: BSD license
- host-language: JavaScript
- host-platform: HTML5
- interface: yoob.js TextTerminal
- online @
The New Gamerly Realism

- genre: Philosophy
- inception-date: 2015
- reference distribution: The New Gamerly Realism distribution
- online @
Only when the conscious habit of coding culture's little interactions, Marios and Lara Crofts in games disappears will we witness a purely gamerly work of gamedev.
I have transformed myself in the zero of gameplay and have fished myself out of the rubbishy slough of mainstream gaming...
Only dull and impotent gamedevs veil their work with sincerity. Gaming requires truth, not sincerity.
Levels have vanished like smoke; to attain the new gamerly paradigm, gamedev advances towards creation as an end in itself and towards reification of the interactions of culture.
Implementation: the-new-gamerly-realism.js
- reference: true
- license: Unknown license
- host-language: JavaScript
- host-platform: HTML5
- online @
The Never-Ending Maze

- genre: Text Adventure
- inception-date: ca 2000
- online @
An Infocom-style text adventure game based on the defining cultural phenomenon of a generation. (Possibly.)
It's archived on the Internet Archive, where you can play it in your browser. Just follow the "online" link shown above.
You can also download the Z5 story file never-ending-maze-1.0.z5 and run it in Frotz, ZPlet, or some other Z-Machine emulator.
Implementation: never-ending-maze.z5
- license: Freely Redistributable
- host-platform: Z-Machine
- host-language: Z-Machine code
- online @
- download @

- subtitle: Adventures in the Great Unsaturated Grammar
- genre: Text Adventure
- inception-date: ca 2003
- reference distribution: Zzrk distribution
- online @
Zzrk is a tiny adventure game written in "100% pure" Zz (a meta-language normally used for defining programming languages.)
Implementation: Zzrk (Zz)
- reference: true
- license: BSD license
- host-language: Zz
- implemented-in-meta: true
- interface: terminal
About these Games
A game is anything you can play, but most of these are meant to be played on a computer. Some of them can even be played online, right in your web browser.
See also:
- Game Implementations
- Video Games of Note in The Dossier
- Text Adventures of Note in The Dossier