Cat's Eye Technologies maintains some forks of some projects which are otherwise abandoned or under-maintained or whose canonical distribution just doesn't fit our requirements.
Note that kinds of projects forked here range from Language Implementations to Emulators to Tools.
Language Projects
- implementation of: Scheme (R4RS)
- implementation type: interpreter
- license: Public Domain
- host language: ANSI C
- inception date: Nov 5, 1989
- in distribution: Minischeme distribution
Originally forked in order to make it build on AmigaDOS 1.3. Also a good test target for Pixley.
Fork began Dec 13, 2011.
- implementation of: Zz
- implementation type: interpreter
- license: LGPL
- host language: C99
- inception date: Jan 7, 2002
- in distribution: OpenZz distribution
Forked because Zzrk depends on it, and I want to maintain that.
Note that while most of the code is LGPL, the REPL is GPL.
Fork began Feb 1, 2012.
- implementation of: Commodore 64
- implementation type: emulator
- license: GPL
- host language: Java
- inception date: 2006
- in distribution: JaC64 distribution
A Commodore 64 emulator written in Java. Originally it ran as an applet, but Java applets are pretty much history now. It has always ran as a desktop application. It can now run as a JNLP application.
We forked this from http://jac64.sourceforge.net/ because we wanted to put Bubble Escape 2K online and this emulator ran as an applet but there were a few bugs in it. We fixed those bugs and submitted those fixes upstream, but heard nothing from the maintainer. Thus we keep this fork.
Fork began on June 30, 2011.
- implementation of: Z-Machine
- implementation type: emulator
- license: Artistic License
- host language: Java
- inception date: Nov 16, 2001
- in distribution: ZPlet distribution
A Z-Machine emulator written in Java. Originally it ran as an applet, but Java applets are pretty much history now. We modified it so that it can run as a desktop application, so that it can now run as a JNLP application.
This was for The Never-Ending Maze.
- license: MIT-like
- in distribution: klaus distribution
Klaus is a nice-and-simple Git web interface that we are using to run git.catseye.tc.
- license: BSD 2-clause
- in distribution: ee distribution
is the "easy editor" which comes with FreeBSD. Cat's Eye Technologies
extracted it from there so we could have a nicer text editor in The Platform.
Local version 1.5.2ce1.
- original authors: Paul Harrison
- license: GPL
- inception date: Apr 2013
- development stage: work in progress
- in distribution: tideay distribution
is Cat's Eye Technologies' fork of yaedit
, a GtkSourceView-based
text editor written by Paul Harrison. In addition to the
features provided by yaedit
, tideay
supports things such as
string-rewriting-based editing commands.
- license: GPL
- inception date: 1998
- in distribution: a2tools distribution
is a set of programs for copying files off of and onto
Apple II floppy disk images. We use it as part of Funicular.
There was a bug in it that we fixed so we maintain a fork for that.