Note that the precise distinctions between a Tool, a Platform, and a Library are debatable, and entries may be categorized somewhat arbitrarily. This article includes libraries.
Tools for Retrocomputing platforms might be found in the Retrocomputing article instead.
Formats often have tools for processing them, and those are listed along with the format instead of here.
Note that Cat's Eye Technologies also maintains some forks of some tools.
Note also that there are several novel generators in here, and possibly other kinds of generators, that should probably be in their own "Generators" article rather than here in "Tools".
- inception-date: Nov 2023
- reference-distribution: Chainscape distribution
Chainscape is the name of a project, undertaken during NaNoGenMo 2023, to explore the algebraic properties of Markov chains. In particular, it can be used to find the intersection of two or more Markov chains (which is itself a Markov chain and can be walked randomly to produce a sequence.) It was used to generate the novel The Other and the Same.
- inception-date: 2024
- development-stage: not fully complete
- reference-distribution: Cleandown distribution
Cleandown is an opinionated pretty-printer for Markdown files.
Implementation: cleandown
- reference: true
- license: MIT License
- host-language: Python
- inception-date: 2024
- development-stage: work in progress
- reference-distribution: Collapsiv distribution
Collapsiv is a methodology for allocating term data structures in a space-efficient manner. It implements maximal sharing in the same manner that hash consing does, but without the overhead of a hash table. Instead, terms are constructed on a stack, the bottom of which serves to persist term structures; this storage is searched recursively whenever a new term is created, and aliases (pointers into the stack) are returned when an existing identical term structure is found therein.
Implementation: libcollapsiv
- reference: false
- license: BSD License
- host-language: C99
- summary: You've tried the Document Object Model, now try the Document Awesome Model
- inception-date: ca 2019
- development-stage: not fully complete
- reference-distribution: DAM distribution
is a little JavaScript library for creating trees of HTML5 elements
in the DOM. It supercedes the element-factory
module from yoob.js,
and Cat's Eye Technologies' newer gewgaws use it
instead of yoob.js for creating their control panels. It's rather a lot like
hyperscript except more minimal
and, of course, awesomer.
Implementation: DAM (JavaScript)
- reference: true
- license: Public Domain
- host-language: JavaScript
- host-platform: HTML5

- inception-date: ca 2005
- reference-distribution: DiskSumo distribution
- online @ archive.org
DiskSumo is a program to transfer disk images off a Commodore 64 over the RS-232 port via the XMODEM protocol at 300 baud.
Implementation: DiskSumo (BASIC)
- reference: true
- license: Public Domain
- host-language: Commodore BASIC 2.0
- host-platform: Commodore 64
Dissociated Parse
- inception-date: Nov 2021
- reference-distribution: Dissociated Parse distribution
Dissociated Parse is not really a tool, rather, it is an algorithm; specifically it is an adaptation of the Dissociated Press algorithm to work on parse trees (rather than the sequential list of words it conventionally works on). It was developed during NaNoGenMo 2021 and was used to generate the novel The Lion, the Witches, and the Weird Road.
Implementation: Dissociated Parse (Python)
- reference: true
- license: MIT License
- host-language: Python
- inception-date: Jan 2023
- reference-distribution: define-opaque distribution
is a library for R5RS Scheme that adds a facility for
creating opaque data types in a simplistic fashion. It was written
based on some of the ideas in Information Hiding in Scheme.
It exists partly because I actually wanted to implement some of those ideas in Scheme, to support building things such as LCF-style theorem provers in Scheme, and abstract data types are otherwise difficult to implement in Scheme.
Implementation: define-opaque.scm
- reference: true
- license: Public Domain
- host-language: Scheme
- inception-date: 2018
- development-stage: work in progress
- reference-distribution: ellsync distribution
ellsync is an opinionated poka-yoke for rsync. "Opinionated" because it was designed for a particular use case for rsync (offline backups). "Poka-yoke" because it exposes a restricted interface to rsync, which prevents using it in dangerous ways.
Implementation: ellsync (Python)
- reference: true
- license: Public Domain
- host-language: Python
- summary: Scripts to set up dev environments on various OS'es on sundry architectures
- inception-date: Jun 17 2014
- development-stage: not fully complete
- reference-distribution: Funicular distribution
Funicular is a system that semi-automates the creation of development environments on eclectic architectures. "Semi-automate" means it automates what it can, and provides repeatable instructions for you to follow for what it can't.
"Eclectic architectures" is not terribly-well defined, but it includes retrocomputing and esoteric architectures. Basically, if you've got an emulator for it and install images for it, you might be able to outfit and run a system for it, using Funicular.
It replaces Amiga Gondola. It can handle such OS/emulator combinations as NetBSD under QEMU, FreeDOS under QEMU, AmigaDOS 1.3 on an Amiga 500 under E-UAE, Applesoft BASIC on an Apple II under linapple, and Commodore BASIC 2.0 on a Commodore 64 under VICE.
Implementation: funicular
- reference: true
- license: Public Domain
- host-language: Bourne shell
- summary: Tokenizer for Commodore BASIC 2.0 programs
- inception-date: 2015
- development-stage: not fully complete
- reference-distribution: hatoucan distribution
is a tokenizer for Commodore BASIC 2.0 programs.
It is compatible with a subset of petcat
, but is written in
Python and is in the public domain.
Implementation: hatoucan (Python)
- reference: true
- license: Public Domain
- host-language: Python
- inception-date: 2017
- development-stage: work in progress
- reference-distribution: kinoje distribution
kinoje is a templating-based animation tool. A provided template is filled out once for each frame of the animation; the result of the template expansion is used to create a still image; and the resulting sequence of images is compiled into the finished movie.
Implementation: kinoje (Python)
- reference: true
- license: Public Domain
- host-language: Python
- inception-date: 2021
- development-stage: work in progress
- reference-distribution: Lariat distribution
Lariat is an abstract data type for proper lambda terms, consisting of four operations:
, abs
, var
, and destruct
. Each of the operations produces a proper lambda
term as its result, i.e. bound terms are never exposed to the user of the ADT. Lariat is
a total data type in the sense that all of the operations are defined on all
properly-typed input values. It is a higher-order data type in the sense that destruct
takes function values as parameters.
Implementation: Data.Lariat
- reference: false
- license: Unknown license
- host-language: Haskell
- summary: An engine for generating non-interactive fiction
- inception-date: Nov 2015
- development-stage: not fully complete
- reference-distribution: MARYSUE distribution
MARYSUE is the story generator used to generate the novel A Time for Destiny for NaNoGenMo 2015.
Implementation: MARYSUE (Python)
- reference: true
- license: Public Domain
- host-language: Python
- summary: The simplest parser combinator library that could possibly work
- inception-date: Dec 2022
- development-stage: not fully complete
- reference-distribution: Parc distribution
Parc is a particularly simple parser combinator library, and a series of experimental variations on this theme, written in Haskell.
Implementation: Parc.hs
- reference: true
- license: MIT License
- host-language: Haskell
- summary: An LCF-style theorem prover written in ANSI C
- inception-date: Feb 2022
- development-stage: not fully complete
- reference-distribution: Philomath distribution
Philomath is an LCF-style theorem prover written in ANSI C. It supports classical propositional logic in a Natural Deduction system with labelled assumptions.
Implementation: Philomath (ANSI C)
- reference: true
- license: Public Domain
- host-language: ANSI C
- summary: relates strings to strings via a grammar in the Chomsky hierarchy
- inception-date: Nov 2022
- development-stage: not fully complete
- reference-distribution: relwrite distribution
relwrite relates strings to strings via a grammar in the Chomsky hierarchy.
Implementation: relwrite
- reference: true
- license: MIT License
- host-language: Python
- summary: A "package manager" that doesn't actually install anything
- inception-date: 2016
- development-stage: work in progress
- reference-distribution: shelf distribution
is a "package manager" which doesn't actually install any files.
Instead, it stores the source trees of sundry packages in a single directory,
creates link farms to the interesting files within those trees,
and manages your search paths to include those link farms.
those trees. The source trees are typically the working directories of
local git or Mercurial clones, or they can be source distributions from tarballs.
, written in Bourne shell, is a replacement for toolshelf, which was
written in Python.
Implementation: shelf.sh
- reference: true
- license: Public Domain
- host-language: Bourne shell

- inception-date: Jul 2015
- development-stage: mature
- reference-distribution: SITU-SOL distribution
- online @ archive.org
SITU-MON is a machine language monitor for 6502-based systems, written (by hand!) during RetroChallenge 2015/07 and entered into an emulated Commodore 64 using SITU-PAN. It was in turn used to enter SITU-SOL.
Implementation: SITU-MON (Commodore 64)
- reference: true
- license: Unknown license
- host-language: 6502 machine code
- host-platform: Commodore 64

- inception-date: Jul 2015
- development-stage: mature
- reference-distribution: SITU-SOL distribution
- online @ archive.org
SITU-PAN is a front-panel switches simulator for the Commodore 64. It displays 8 virtual LEDs and 8 virtual dip switches on the screen. The LEDs display the bit pattern at the current address in memory. Via the keyboard, the switches may be toggled, a new bit pattern written into memory, and the address advanced. In this way, machine code programs may be entered into memory, and then run. SITU-PAN was written during RetroChallenge 2015/07 for the purposes of entering SITU-MON into an emulated C64.
Implementation: frontpanel.bas
- reference: true
- license: Unknown license
- host-language: Commodore BASIC 2.0
- host-platform: Commodore 64
- summary: An interactive web app for experimenting with state machines.
- inception-date: 2024
- development-stage: not fully complete
- reference-distribution: StateLab distribution
An interactive web app for experimenting with state machines. Define a state machine in Mermaid.js format, see its diagram be updated in real time. Fire events in simulator to transition from state to state.
Implementation: StateLab (JavaScript)
- reference: true
- license: MIT License
- host-language: JavaScript
- inception-date: Apr 2020
- development-stage: not fully complete
- reference-distribution: tagfarm distribution
is an ultra-lightweight, filesystem-based categorization system for arbitrary
files. Each tag is implemented as a directory full of symbolic links to files with that tag.
Implementation: tagfarm (Python)
- reference: true
- license: Public Domain
- host-language: Python
The Swallows Engine
- summary: An engine for generating non-interactive fiction
- inception-date: Nov 2013
- development-stage: not fully complete
- reference-distribution: The Swallows distribution
The Swallows Engine is the engine used to generate The Swallows series of generated novels for NaNoGenMo 2013.
Implementation: The Swallows Engine (Python)
- reference: true
- license: Public Domain
- host-language: Python
- inception-date: 2014
- development-stage: mature
- reference-distribution: tree distribution
Cat's Eye Technologies' tree
is a command-line tool that displays an
indented directory tree, similar to "The Tree Command for Linux" except
Implementation: tree (Python)
- reference: true
- license: Public Domain
- host-language: Python
- summary: Tidier-upper for generated text
- inception-date: Nov 2014
- development-stage: mature
- reference-distribution: T-Rext distribution
T-Rext is a command-line filter that attempts to clean up spaces and punctuation in a text file. Its purpose is so that, when you are writing a text generator, such as a Markov processor, you need not worry too much about its output format; just toss its output through T-Rext when you're done to make it more presentable.
Implementation: t-rext (Python)
- reference: true
- license: Public Domain
- host-language: Python
- inception-date: 2018
- development-stage: work in progress
- reference-distribution: yastasoti distribution
yastasoti is yet another script for archiving stuff off teh internets. It supports consulting an archive router to determine where each stuff is archived to.
Implementation: yastasoti (Python)
- reference: true
- license: Public Domain
- host-language: Python
- summary: Static analyzer for 8-bit BASIC programs
- inception-date: 2012
- reference-distribution: yucca distribution
is a dialect-agnostic static analyzer for 8-bit BASIC
programs. It can find GOTO
's and GOSUB
which refer to non-existent line numbers, or line numbers which contain
only a REM
, among a few other modest features.
Implementation: yucca (Python)
- reference: true
- license: MIT License
- host-language: Python
Archival Tools
- subtitle: Total Procedures in Scheme
- summary: Totality-checker for Scheme procedures
- inception-date: ca 2006
- development-stage: archival
- reference-distribution: TPiS distribution
This is a static analyzer, written in Scheme, which can check if given Scheme procedures are total (always terminate, on any input) by checking that they are specified primitive-recursively. What's more, it is written almost entirely in a primitive-recursive style, so it can check itself!
Implementation: TPiS (Scheme)
- reference: true
- license: BSD license
- host-language: Scheme
- summary: A framework for interactive esolang implementation
- inception-date: Oct 4 2012
- development-stage: not fully complete
- reference-distribution: yoob.js distribution
is a framework for implementing esoteric programming languages
in JavaScript/HTML5. It has some differences from the earlier yoob
framework, which is in Java.
Implementation: yoob.js (JavaScript)
- reference: true
- implementation-type: framework
- license: Public Domain
- host-language: JavaScript